Asp Net Machine Key Generator

  • Jan 04, 2017 Generate MachineKey using Windows PowerShell. In this post we will see how we can Generate MachineKey using Windows PowerShell from our local development machine.
  • Jul 21, 2017  Hi, I am using membership in my application. We were using SHA256 for validation and 3DES for decryption ( membership) in machine key in.
  • Generating Symmetric Private Key In C# and.NET. Major symmetric algorithms are AES, DES, RC2, Rijndael, and TripleDES. The GenerateKey and GenerateIV methods return the private secret key and initialization vector.

Replace the ASP.NET machineKey in ASP.NET Core.; 2 minutes to read +2; In this article. The implementation of the element in ASP.NET is replaceable.This allows most calls to ASP.NET cryptographic routines to be routed through a replacement data protection mechanism, including the new data protection system. Mar 19, 2019  To enable the machine key works with the form authentication successfully, you may need to keep all the server use the same encryption and decryption key. You may also need to use generate keys button in action panel to generate the key manually, then you need to copy the key to all the server manually. Best Regards, Yuk Ding.

Asp Net Machine Key Generator Replacement

It’s quite common to need to preserve state across requests in a web application. This is typically in the form of a cookie, query string or hidden form field. Commonly the state that needs to be sent back to the client is sensitive or we want to ensure it’s not been modified by the user. The typical approach to this should be encrypting (protect) and MACing (verify) the value. Duke nukem 3d download mac. Writing this sort of crypto code yourself is possible but not ideal. Fortunately in ASP.NET the MachineKey API already provides this functionality. And yes, this is the same as the <machineKey> infrastructure already used to protect Forms authentication and ViewState.


The API is slightly different between 4.0 and 4.5. Gta 5 product key generator. Here’s the 4.0 usage with some helpers:


MachineKey.Encode accepts a byte[] to protect and returns a string. The second parameter is an enum that indicates if you want encryption, validation or both. I’d typically suggest both (MachineKeyProtection.All). The returned string can then be used to pass back to the client as a cookie value or a query string value without concern for viewing or tampering. MachineKey.Decode simply reverses the process.

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And here’s the 4.5 usage (it supports a slightly more sophisticated usage):

Asp Net Machine Key Generator Reviews

In 4.5 the old APIs are deprecated in favor of these new Protect and Unprotect APIs. The new APIs no longer accept the level of protection (they always encrypt and MAC now [which is good]) and instead now accept a new parameter which is called “purpose”. This purpose parameter is intended to act somewhat as a validation mechanism. If we use a value that’s specific to the user (as we do above with the GetMachineKeyPurpose helper) we then are verifying that the value can only be unprotected by the same user. This is a nice addition in 4.5.

In my Cookie-based TempData provider I used this exact technique — I didn’t want to reinvent crypto or introduce new keys, so leveraging the ASP.NET machine key APIs made a lot of sense.

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Oh and one caveat: this does not prevent an eavesdropper from intercepting the value and replaying it, so (as usual) SSL is imperative.

Net Machinery

Update: Great follow-up reading about the internals of the MachineKey: