Generate Rsa Keys Cisco Switch

  1. Generate Rsa Keys Cisco Switch Replacement
  2. Cisco Generate Crypto Key
  3. Generate Rsa Keys Cisco Switch Key
  4. Create Rsa Key Cisco Router

Aug 25, 2016  crypto key generate rsa Example: Switch (config)# crypto key generate rsa Enables the SSH server for local and remote authentication on the Switch and generates an RSA key pair. Generating an RSA key pair for the Switch automatically enables SSH. Crypto key generate rsa - crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 2048 - crypto key generate rsa general-keys label SSH modulus 2048. None of the above worked.and the SSH key remains 1024. Does anyone know how to change the SSH Key for this switch from 1024 to 2048? Version is Version 12.2(50)SE4.



This document gives step-by-step instructions to configure Secure Shell (SSH) Version 1 on Catalyst switches running Catalyst OS (CatOS). The version tested is cat6000-supk9.6-1-1c.bin.



This table shows the status of SSH support in the switches. Registered users can access these software images by visiting the Software Center.

Device SSH Support
Cat 4000/4500/2948G/2980G (CatOS) K9 images as of 6.1
Cat 5000/5500 (CatOS) K9 images as of 6.1
Cat 6000/6500 (CatOS) K9 images as of 6.1
Device SSH Support
Cat 2950* 12.1(12c)EA1 and later
Cat 3550* 12.1(11)EA1 and later
Cat 4000/4500 (Integrated Cisco IOS Software)* 12.1(13)EW and later **
Cat 6000/5500 (Integrated Cisco IOS Software)* 12.1(11b)E and later
Cat 8540/8510 12.1(12c)EY and later, 12.1(14)E1 and later
Device SSH Support
Cat 1900 no
Cat 2800 no
Cat 2948G-L3 no
Cat 2900XL no
Cat 3500XL no
Cat 4840G-L3 no
Cat 4908G-L3 no

* Configuration is covered in Configuring Secure Shell on Routers and Switches Running Cisco IOS.

** There is no support for SSH in 12.1E train for Catalyst 4000 running Integrated Cisco IOS Software.

Refer to Encryption Software Export Distribution Authorization Form in order to apply for 3DES.

This document assumes that authentication works prior to implementation of SSH (through the Telnet password, TACACS+) or RADIUS. SSH with Kerberos is not supported prior to the implementation of SSH.

Components Used

This document addresses only the Catalyst 2948G, Catalyst 2980G, Catalyst 4000/4500 series, Catalyst 5000/5500 series, and Catalyst 6000/6500 series running the CatOS K9 image. For more details, refer to the Requirements section of this document.

The information presented in this document was created from devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If you are working in a live network, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command before using it.


For more information on document conventions, see the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions.

Network Diagram

Switch Configuration

Disabling SSH

In some situations it may be neccessary to disable SSH on the switch. You must verify whether SSH is configured on the switch and if so, disable it.

To verify if SSH has been configured on the switch, issue the show crypto key command. If the output displays the RSA key, then SSH has been configured and enabled on the switch. An example is shown here. Windows 7 32 bit product key generator.

To remove the crypto key, issue the clear crypto key rsa command to disable SSH on the switch. An example is shown here.

debug in the Catalyst

To turn on debugs, issue the set trace ssh 4 command.

To turn off debugs, issue the set trace ssh 0 command.

debug Command Examples of a Good Connection

Solaris to Catalyst, Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), Telnet Password



PC to Catalyst, 3DES, Telnet Password


Solaris to Catalyst, 3DES, Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) Authentication



debug Command Examples of What Can Go Wrong

Catalyst debug with Client Attempting [unsupported] Blowfish Cipher

Catalyst debug with Bad Telnet Password

Catalyst debug with Bad AAA Authentication


This section deals with different troubleshooting scenarios related to SSH configuration on Cisco switches.

Cannot Connect to Switch through SSH


Cannot connect to the switch using SSH.

The debug ip ssh command shows this output:


This problem occurs because of either of these reasons:

  • New SSH connections fail after changing the hostname.

  • SSH configured with non-labeled keys (having the router FQDN).

The workarounds for this problem are:

  • If the hostname was changed and SSH is no longer working, then zeroize the new key and create another new key with the proper label.

  • Do not use anonymous RSA keys (named after the FQDN of the switch). Use labeled keys instead.

In order to resolve this problem forever, upgrade the IOS software to any of the versions in which this problem is fixed.

A bug has been filed about this issue. For more information, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCtc41114 (registered customers only) .

Related Information

Configuration of SSH on Cisco Switch in Packet Tracer 2019

This Article is about the configuration of SSH on Cisco Switch. You can configure SSH on Cisco devices very easily using these simple steps:

  1. Crate a Packet Tracer Topology Lab
  2. Basic IP Setting for connectivity
  3. Set hostname and domain-name on Switch
  4. Set console and enable password for SSH login
  5. Generate the RSA Keys
  6. Setup the Line VTY configurations
  7. Create the username password for SSH access from PC
  8. Verify SSH access

For the configurations of SSH in packet tracer on Cisco switch, you are required to follow the above steps. Let start and perform these steps one by one. (Learn what is PSSH)

Crate a Packet Tracer Topology Lab

Our first step is to open the packet tracer and need to create a simple lab. For this topology we will use only one switch and a PC. Simply drag these two items on dashboard. Now we will connect them with straight through connection.

Basic IP Setting for connectivity

The next step is assign the suitable IP setting to these devices. For keeping it simple and making basic connectivity we will assign just two IP address to these device. We will assign the IP address to PC. For this will open the PC setting and then IP configuration. Here we will assign an IP address to host, in our case we are going to assign it with the default gateway. For default gateway we will assign the IP address We assign the second IP address to our Vlan1 interface on switch. And its IP address will be the gateway of host that is For this we will use the basic commands.
Switch> enable

Switch# config t

Switch(config)#interface vlan 1

Switch (config-if)# ip address

Switch (config -if)#no shut

Once you done with basic IP setting, you can verify the connectivity by pinging the interface vlan1 IP from host.

Set host-name and domain-name on Switch

For SSh configurations you need to configure a host-name and domain-name for your switch you can do this with these simple commands.

Switch # config t

Switch (config)#hostname SW1

SW1 ( config)#ip domain-name

Set console and enable password for SSH login

For SSH access it is required that you must configure the console and enable password on your cisco switch. You can set these two passwords with following commands.

SW1 ( config)#line console 0

SW1(config-line)#password cisco

SW1(config -line)#logging synchronous

SW1(config- line)#login local

SW1 (config- line)#exit

SW1 # enable secret cisco

Generate the RSA Keys

Your Cisco switch must have RSA keys that for the SSH process. You can generate the RSA keys with following command:

Generate Rsa Keys Cisco Switch Replacement

SW1 ( config)# crypto key generate rsa

Cisco Generate Crypto Key

How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024

% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable…[OK]

Set the size of key to 1024 bits.

If your Cisco Switch is running an older version of Cisco IOS image, then it is extremely recommended that you upgrade to latest Cisco IOS.

Setup the Line VTY configurations

For the configuration of SSH on cisco switch you need the following line vty configurations, and input transport is required to set to SSH. Set the login-to-local, & password to 7.

sw1 ( config)#line vty 0 4

sw1 ( config-line)#transport input ssh

sw1( config -line)#login local

Generate Rsa Keys Cisco Switch Key

sw1(config- line)#password 7 sw1(config- line ) #exit

Create the username password for SSH access from PC

If you do not have a username for SSH access you need to create a username. You can do it with this simple command:

Sw1# config t

sw1 (config ) # username w7cloud password cisco

Make sure the password encryption services is enabled on your switch, this service will encrypt your password, & when you do “sh run”, you’ll see only the encrypted password, not clear text password.

SW1# service password-encryption

Verify SSH access from Host

Once you done with the above configurations you can test all these configuration by creating a SSH connection from Host. You do it the command ssh –l <username> <IP address>. Open the host command prompt and use the command

C:>ssh -l waqas

Create Rsa Key Cisco Router

It will ask for password, provide the password that you created with this username in previous steps. Then it asked for console password and then you need to provide the enable password. Now you are in your Cisco switch. You can perform switch configurations from your host.

From the switch, if you use the command ‘sh ip ssh’, it will also confirm that SSH is enabled on this cisco swith.

For better understanding please watch the video and like it.

I hope this will be a helpful for you, please share your comments. If you like this then share this on social media. Thank you for reading this.!

Guide on Cisco Router Configuration for Beginners

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