Key Generation Algorithm In Cloud Computing
- Key Generation Algorithm In Cloud Computing System
- Key Generation Algorithm In Cloud Computing Science
In this paper, we discuss the symmetric and Asymmetric algorithms to provide security in the field of cloud computing with different parameters and propose a new approached public key cryptosystem for security in cloud computing. Keywords: Security, Encryption, Decryption, Cloud Computing, Data Storage, RSA Algorithm. Key words: Randomized Key, Cloud Computing, Data Security, Data Migration, Watermarking, and PRNG. 32 byte encryption key generator. INTRODUCTION algorithms implemented in cloud. It is very important to Cloud computing is the emerging field in the modern era. Cloud computing is defined as the set of resources. Final fantasy 8 mac download. Abstract: Cloud computing is an emerging concept combining many fields of computing. The motive of mobile cloud computing is to deliver the services, software and processing capacity over the Internet so far to reduce the computation cost and increase the storage capacity. The goal of this paper is to implement a user authentication algorithm, which can be used in cloud storage to verify the. RSA algorithm consists of Public Key and Private Key. Public Key is known to all cloud users, whereas Private-Key is known only to the user who originally owns the data. The key generation center (KGC) first checks the legitimacy of the token, and if the signature is illegal, it aborts; otherwise, it runs the key generation algorithm and outputs a blind key. The user receives the blind key from KGC and extracts the private key.
Abstract: In symmetric key cryptography the sender as well as the receiver possess acommon key. Asymmetric key cryptography involves generation of two distinctkeys which are used for encryption and decryption correspondingly. The senderconverts the original message to cipher text using the public key while thereceiver can decipher this using his private key. This is also called PublicKey Cryptography. For every public key there can exist only one private keythat can decipher the encrypted text. Security of RSA Algorithm can becompromised using mathematical attack, by guessing the factors of a largenumber. It may also be compromised if one can guess the private key. Inaccordance with the mathematical attack, we propose a secure algorithm in thispaper. In this algorithm, we try to eliminate the distribution of n which isthe large number whose factors if found compromises the RSA algorithm. We alsopresent a comparative analysis of the proposed algorithm with the RSAalgorithm.
Submission history
From: Akashdeep Bhardwaj [view email][v1] Mon, 7 Dec 2015 12:12:37 UTC (410 KB)

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DBLP - CS Bibliography
G. V. B. Subrahmanyam
Vinay Avasthi
Hanumat Sastry